Drip Line 5 Gph Easy to Clog




What are emitters?
Emitters are irrigation devices used to provide a regulated amount of water to a specific plant or location.
Can I bury emitters?
It is recommended to place emitters above ground or covered with light mulch with the outlet pointed upward. Emitters with the outlet in the dirt may clog with muddy water being drawn back into it upon shut down.
If an emitter replaced with a goof plug still leaks what can I do?
Sometimes a goof plug is not enough to repair a leak. If this is the case, you will need to cut out the leak and repair the line with a coupler. We have different types of fittings Easy Loc, compression and barbed.
Why do my emitters keep clogging?
Sediment, sand, algae, or any number of things can get in your water and clog your emitters. It is always recommended to place a filter on your drip system. If your water is extremely dirty, water pressure can force contamination through the filter screen, so it's important to give the filter element a timely, regular cleaning. You can also run line cleaning product through the line.
What can I do about emitters that gradually clog?
Calcium or hard water and very fine sediments will eventually clog emitters, even if they are otherwise properly filtered. The simplest repair is to leave the old emitter in place and install another emitter near it. You can also run line cleaning product through the line.
Can I replace or repair an emitter?
Yes, it is common to replace a leaky or clogged emitter. Normally emitters are not repaired. Some are cleanable, like the DTA's and the CETA's.
How do I replace or repair leaky emitters, or I just don't want to water at that spot any more?
Identify where the water is coming from. It can come from the punched hole or a broken emitter. If the hole is too big or if the emitter is leaking from places it shouldn't, carefully remove it from the tubing and plug the hole with a goof plug (14GP2 or 14GP1). Woodpeckers have an optional cap.
What pressure do emitters need to work?
Different types of emitters have varying pressure needs. It is best to check manufacturers' specifications.
How many emitters can be put on one line?
That depends on the capacity of your line and the flow rate of each emitter. 1/2" tubing can carry up to 240 GPH, and 3/4" tubing can carry up to 480 GPH. If you are using a 2 GPH emitter, on 1/2" tubing; divide 240 GPH by 2 GPH (240/2), this will give you the total number of emitters that you can use on a line. If you got 120 emitters as the answer, you are correct.
What does pressure compensating mean?
A pressure compensating (PC) emitter has a built-in flow regulating diaphragm that delivers the same amount of water regardless of changes in pressure or terrain.
What is the difference between non-pressure compensating and pressure compensating (PC) emitters?
Non-pressure compensating emitters (Basic) tend to be lower in cost and work at pressures below 10 PSI. They are pressure dependent, releasing less water at lower pressures and more at higher pressures. Pressure compensating emitters (PC) maintain a consistent flow rate despite changes in terrain or pressure changes.
Are my DTA emitters adjustable?
The DTA emitters also known as the "Take Apart Emitter" or "Flag Emitter" is not adjustable, however it is a basic type of emitter, which means pressure (PSI) can affect its output. Running it at lower pressures will reduce its flow (GPH).
Can I go from a hose start right into DET without a mainline?
Yes, you can go directly from a hose start to emitter tubing (DET), using some form of female hose beginning like the ELFH or CHS. Be sure to install a filter between the hose start and your DET. Emitter tubing uses the same type of fittings you would use for 1/2" mainline tubing.
Can I use emitters with pressure less than 10 PSI?
Most emitters work best at 20 PSI or higher. Basic emitters will work at pressures below 10 PSI, though flow rates will be correspondingly lower. Pressure compensating emitters should not be used below 10 PSI, their flow rates may be erratic and can vary between emitters.


What size mesh screen do I need for my filter?
Size your water filter to the flow of your system. Normal screen size for drip irrigation filters is 120-155 mesh while Drip Tape and misters require 200 mesh filtering.
Is a filter required on a drip system?
Yes. Warranties on parts are not valid without a filter on a drip system.
What does a filter do?
A filter removes debris (suspended solids) in the water that could clog emitters.
How often does a filter need to be cleaned?
Frequency of cleaning will depend on how clean your water is. If you have clean city or well water, check the filter after the first couple of weeks and clean the filter as needed after that. If you have dirty water you may have to clean the filter more often.
How does the flush valve on the filter work?
The valve at the bottom of the filter is not strictly a flush valve, but a valve used to release backpressure before removing the screen for cleaning. It can also be used to purge solids that settle at the bottom of the filter bowl.
Where is the filter installed?
Install the filter at any convenient point upstream of (above) the drip system. If you place the filter before a valve , make certain it can handle constant pressure.
Can a filter screen be replaced or repaired?
Yes, a filter screen can be replaced. And no, torn filter screens cannot be repaired.
How do I choose the right filter?
Size your water filter to the flow of your system. Normal screen size for drip irrigation filters is 120-155 mesh, while Drip Tape and misters require 200 mesh filtering.
How do I choose the right filter screen?
Normal screen size for drip irrigation filters are 120-155 mesh, while Drip Tape and misters require 200 mesh filtering.


What is the difference between hose thread and pipe thread?
Hose thread and 3/4" pipe thread are the same diameter but hose threads are more coarse than pipe thread. Attempting to mate pipe and hose thread will cause leaking and damage to the threads.
Can fittings be buried?
It is not recommended to bury fittings unless they are PVC or HDPE fittings, however if you do bury fittings it is best to place them in a shallow trench covered with a light mulch.
What if my fitting is leaking?
If a fitting is leaking, it may not be secured correctly to the tubing, it could be damaged, or the tubing it is attached to may be split or deformed.
Can I go from a PVC to an Easy Loc?
Yes, there are several transitional fittings that adapt from PVC to Easy Loc. For the 1/2" Easy Loc we have a 1/2" PVC fitting (EL12S) and a 3/4" PVC fitting (EL34S).
What type of fittings should I use for the drip system I am planning?
DripWorks especially likes Easy Loc fittings for their ease of use and re-use and their reliability.
Can fittings be reused?
Yes, most fittings are reusable, with our Easy Loc parts the most reuse-friendly. Compression fittings can be removed from tubing with some difficulty, and some damage to the compression ring may result. Tubing often needs to be cut off barbed fittings, which can then be reused.
Will fittings work with different types of tubing?
Our 1/2" Easy Loc fittings work well with our 0.600 ID x 0.700 OD tubing and are compatible with tubing sized 0.590 - 0.630 ID. We also have special 0.620 OD Easy Loc fittings for RainDrip tubing.
What is the difference between your compression and Easy Loc fittings?
With compression fittings, you insert the drip tubing into the fitting where a circular edge grabs the soft tubing and holds it, even under pressure. They are relatively inexpensive and easy to install though very difficult to remove and reuse. Easy Loc fittings take the tubing over their barb and then use an integrated collar to tighten the fitting to the tubing. They are a bit more expensive but easy to install, and much easier to remove and reuse. See our Easy Loc video for more information.
Do I need to use hose clamps on my barbed insert fittings?
Sometimes. If the pressure is less than 20 PSI, you may get by without hose clamps. Your situation will let you know what will work. Clamps make the installation safe from failure. If your pressure is low, be sure the tubing fits tightly over the barbed fitting. If there is looseness, use a clamp.
I find it really hard to remove my 1/4" tubing from my 14QCCP fittings
Slide a basic 1/4" washer over the tubing before inserting the tubing into the fitting. To disconnect, press the washer against the inner spring-loaded sleeve of the fitting and firmly pull the tubing out of the fitting.
How do I connect my garden hose to my 3/4" pipe-thread ball valve?
With a male hose by male pipe adapter (AMHMP).
I thought that my fittings were hose thread but they appear to be finer and there is no place for a hose washer. How do I seal these connections?
¾" pipe thread fittings look similar to hose-thread fittings, but the threading is closer together and the diameter is slightly smaller. To seal these connections we recommend using thread sealant tape over pipe dope.
I have tubing I purchased somewhere else. It is smaller than the standard Easy-Loc fittings. Do you have a smaller Easy-Loc fitting that will work with my tubing?
Yes, the 620 Easy Loc fittings are for your smaller tubing. Specifications are as follows: I.D. (Inside diameter) range is from 0.510-0.580 inches (12.9-14.7 MM).
Are your Easy Loc fittings compatible with tubing I purchased elsewhere?
That depends on the diameter of your tubing. Easy Locs work on tubing with an ID (Inside Diameter) range of .590 to .630. However we carry adapter fittings to transition from .620 to .700 tubing.
What size tubing will compression fittings work with?
Compression fittings have less wiggle room than EZ-Loc fittings and must closely match the outside diameters of the tubing being inserted, rather than tubing's inside diameter. Our ½" compression fittings work with .700 OD tubing. Our ¾" compression fittings work with .940 OD tubing.


Are misters for watering, cooling, or both?
Misters can be used for both watering and cooling. Fine misters such as the Cool Breeze or Superfine misters do not dispense enough water to be as effective for watering while other misters may dispense too much water to be effective for cooling.
Why do misters drip after I turn them off?
Any water remaining in the line above the misters will drip. Install an anti-drip device before each mister, and/or place a flush valve or valves at lower points in the supply line.
Why do misters require a higher pressure?
Higher pressure will generate a finer mist, but some misters will work at pressures as low as 20 PSI.
Can I invert misters?
Many misters can be inverted, but check specifications to determine if inverting the mister is recommended.
How far apart should I place misters or sprayers?
The most common installation is to place the mister "head to head" so the spray of one misters or sprayers reaches the body of the next mister or sprayer in the zone.
What adapter do you need to attach the Superfine Misting Nozzles to 1/4" tubing or mainline tubing?
You will need the 1/4" barbed adapter with stake (MNBA). It adapts from the 1/8" pipe thread on your Superfine Mister to a 1/4" barb that can then be inserted into 1/2" mainline tubing or connected to 1/4" tubing. The MNBA has a support stake. If you are suspending your mister overhead, you can cut off the stake with a pair of cutting pliers or pruners.

Pressure Regulators

Do I have to use a pressure regulator in a drip system?
You will almost always need a pressure regulator in a drip system because drip irrigation is designed around water pressures that are lower than that found in a standard residential water system. Low pressure gravity systems may not need a regulator. Pressure compensating emitters have a pressure regulator built into the emitter and, unless the pressure is excessive, these emitters do not need an additional pressure regulator.
Can a pressure regulator increase pressure?
No, pressure regulators will not increase pressure.
Where is the regulator installed in the system?
Normally the pressure regulator will be placed after the valve and filter in a system. On a large system with many valves, a pressure limit valve, a type of regulator, may be placed before the valves and after a constant-pressure filter. In cases when the water has to travel a long distance before it gets to the drip system, it is best to place the regulator just upstream of the emitters.
Does it matter which direction the pressure regulator is installed?
Yes, water must flow through a regulator in one direction as indicated by flow direction arrows.
Will my pressure regulator or pressure limit valve work if I put it in backwards?
No. It may appear to operate but with erratic and inconsistent behavior. Look for arrows indicating direction of water flow for correct installation.
Do I need a pressure regulator if my water supply is gravity fed?
Only if your pressure exceeds the maximum recommended for any of your drip irrigation system components. If your water source is elevated more than 15-20', then you may need a pressure regulator. The only way to be certain is to test the operating pressure with a gauge. Dripworks offers several at the following link: Pressure Gauges
Can I use a pressure regulator to lower the pressure for a float valve controlled water tank that provides animals with water?
No. A standard pressure regulator placed before any valve will not lower your pressure if the water does not have the minimum flow as printed on the regulator body. Instead, use a pressure limit valve or a static regulator.
Can I use a pressure regulator to lower the pressure before a valve?
No, a normal pressure regulator will not lower your pressure if the water is not flowing. Use a pressure limit valve or a static regulator. The Pressure Limit Valve will limit the downstream pressure to no more than 15 psi above the stated pressure of the Valve during no-flow conditions.


Why won't my new yellow-handled punch (PUY) make a hole?
The yellow-handled punch has a black tip protector that must be removed before using. It seems simple, but many people forget. Sometimes, a chip of plastic tubing from the last cut plugs the cutter's hollow shaft, making it harder to punch the next hole. It can be removed with a fingernail or the fine tip of a knife blade or other pointed object.
I purchased the tubing assembly for a Mini-Wobbler sprinkler and the barb going into my mainline tubing looks larger than barbed connectors I've used before. What type of punch do I use?
The new .400 punch(PU400NEW)will make a hole big enough to accomodate the Mini-Wobbler tubing assembly (MWRAQC ) , though the supply line must be 3/4" or larger tubing.


What is the difference between a sprinkler and a sprayer?
Sprayers are typically fixed with no moving parts Water tends to spread in a fan or stream pattern. Sprinklers have one or more moving parts and the water is distributed with a scattering of droplets.
What is the difference between a Shrubbler and a Bubbler?
Bubblers deliver more water to a smaller area, using a circular spray. Shrubblers deliver less water into a larger area than a Bubbler, distributing fingers of water.


Can I adjust the distance with the sprinklers you sell?
Yes, many of our sprinklers can have their distances adjusted.
Is it true that sprayers use more water than drip?
Sprayers tend to use a bit to a fair bit more water than drip, but cover a wider area. In addition, drip loses less of the water being dispensed via evaporation, erosion, and dispersal away from the plants root zone.
What's the difference between radius and arc with sprinklers?
Radius is how far the water is thrown. The arc refers to the watering pattern, whether it is a half circle, a quarter circle or other portion of the arc.
What does the term matched precipitation mean?
Matched precipitation means that as the sprinkler's arc is adjusted, the amount of water that falls on any given square foot remains the same. Changing the arc on a conventional sprinkler from 1/4 circle to 1/2 circle will reduce the amount of water falling on a square foot by 1/2.
What sprinkler should be used with trees?
SuperNet PC sprinklers are a good choice for many trees because, as the tree grows, it is possible to extend the spray radius without over drafting the supply of the irrigation system. Other sprinklers can serve this purpose as well so check the specs of each sprinkler before choosing.
Can all sprinklers be inverted?
No, only a few sprinklers are designed to be inverted. The most common inverted sprinklers that we sell are the Ein Dor Mini-Sprinklers, inverted Mini-wobblers, and Tornado misters.
Can I further reduce the spray radius of my PGP sprinklers that the stock red nozzles provide?
Yes, you can replace the standard red nozzles with a low angle (gray) nozzle (PGPLOANG).
Will the SuperNet Sprinkler work only with the blue SuperNet stake (MSNSTK)?
No, the *SuperNet sprinkler will work with stakes such as the EZ Stake (SEZ17) and others we carry. *Note: The SuperNet also comes in a 3/8" Male Pipe Thread (MSNP38M) version that adapts to PVC fittings.
How do I adjust the radius of my MP Rotator?
MP Rotators are factory set at maximum radius. If an adjustment is to be made it is best done while the sprinkler is working. There is a screw on the top of the MP Rotator that can be adjusted using a tool (MPRTOOL). Insert the recessed, flat screwdriver end of the tool into the spray head screw and turn clockwise to reduce the radius or counterclockwise to increase it.
Do I need a tool to adjust the MP Rotator?
MP Rotators are factory set to the maximum radius. Adjustments are made using a tool (MPRTOOL) or. However, an eyeglass screwdriver may be used to adjust the radius and your forefinger and thumb may be used to adjust the arc ring.
When is the best time to adjust the MP Rotator?
The best time to adjust the MP Rotator is while the water is on.
What is the stream height of the MP Rotator corner spray (MPRCOR)?
At 30 PSI the stream height is approximately 10".
On which side of the my garden bed should I place my MPRLEFT strip sprayer?
Place it on the left side of the area you want watered.
How do I adjust the arc of the Hunter PGJ?
Rotate the nozzle turret clockwise to the right stop (fixed side of the Arc). Push the plastic key end of the Hunter Sprinkler Key into the adjustment socket (marked with +/ signs and arrows) while holding the nozzle turret at the right stop. Adjust the arc by turning the key in the + or – direction to increase or decrease the arc. The PGJ comes factory preset to 180°. Each full turn of the key will adjust the arc by 90°.
How do I adjust the radius (distance of throw) of the Hunter PGP?
Insert the steel hex end of the Hunter Sprinkler Key into the radius adjustment screw (single arrow over the nozzle). Turn the screw clockwise (into the stream of water) to decrease the radius, or counterclockwise to increase the radius. The radius can be reduced by up to 25%. Caution: Turning the adjustment screw clockwise more than five full turns may result in a lost radius adjustment screw.
How do I adjust the arc of the Hunter PGP?
The PGP comes preset at 180° of arc. Rotating the nozzle turret clockwise to the right ( fixed side of the Arc). Push the plastic key end of the Hunter Sprinkler Key into the adjustment socket (marked with +/- signs and arrows) while holding the nozzle turret at the right stop. Adjust the arc by turning the key in the + or – direction to increase or decrease the arc. Each full turn of the key will adjust the arc by 90°.

Supply Tubing

How long will tubing last?
Under normal circumstances supply tubing can last up to 8 years.
What is the difference between supply and emitter tubing?
Supply tubing is used throughout your system and is used to carry water from one point to another. It is designed to have holes punched into it for emitters or fittings. Emitter tubing has drippers built into the tubing at regular spacing and is used to distribute water to your plants. It also can have additional holes punched into it for emitters and transfer barbs.
How do I get kinks out of my tubing?
A kink is not a problem. It will not cause a weak spot and will disappear under pressure. Use an elbow to make a turn that is too tight for the tubing.
What size tubing should I use?
Your supply line needs to be sized to both the amount of water available and the amount of usage within the system. ½" tubing is sufficient for most uses and can carry 240 gallons per hour (GPH). If a watering zone requires more than 240 gph, use ¾" or larger tubing. Most domestic water systems have at least 480 GPH available. see our Flow Calculator.
Can you tell me how to determine the size of my tubing?
If a quarter just covers its diameter, it is ¾" tubing (OD .940). If a penny just covers its diameter, it is ½" tubing(OD .700). Some 1/2" inch tubing (such as Raindrip tubing) may be smaller. Consult the tubing diagram on the fittings page in our catalog.
Can I bury my tubing?
Burying tubing in a shallow trench or covered with a light mulch is acceptable. It is best to have easy access to the tubing in case repairs are necessary.
What if my tubing is too small or too big for the fittings I have?
It may be possible to get an adapter for your fittings, if this is not possible, do a cost analysis and replace the tubing or the fittings.
What is a High Pressure Hose Extension?
The High Pressure Hose Extension (HPEX3 or HPEX5) is designed to take the weight of your timer, filter, and pressure regulator off the spigot. It is a nominal ¾" and has brass male and female hose threaded ends.
Can I connect 1/4" tubing line directly to a faucet without having to run a mainline?
Yes, with a hose by 1/4" barb fitting (H14BSFW) or hose by 1/4" compression fitting (H14BSFW). Remember that 1/4" tubing is meant for short distances and small flows.
I rolled up my mainline tubing and discovered several kinks. Will they be a problem?
No. Drip tubing is tough stuff and it takes more than a kink to hurt it. Unroll the tubing and in the sun and set it up as you have planned. Once the system is under pressure, the kinks should disappear.
What is the life expectancy of 1/4" tubing?
Under normal usage, 1/4" tubing should last 8 years or longer.
What is the maximum flow for 1/4" tubing?
1/4" Tubing (.250" OD)is generally used as a feeder line to deliver small amounts of water (about 39 GPH) over short distances. Due to the small ID of the tubing, friction rapidly diminishes the ability of water to flow longer distances.
How do I know if my tubing is 1/2" or 3/4"?
If a quarter just covers its diameter, it is 3/4". Decimal size is .940 OD or approximately 15/16ths". If a penny just covers its diameter, it is 1/2". Decimal size is .700 OD or approximately 45/64ths".


What types of timers do you carry?
We carry AC electric timers, DC battery timers, propagation timers for greenhouses, a zero pressure battery timer for gravity systems and wind-up timers.
Which timer should I choose?
Determine what your irrigation needs are and read the description of each timer on our website or in our catalog to find the timer that most closely meets your needs.
Can I add another timer valve later?
Many of our timers can control as many as 4, 6, 8 or more valves. If the timer you choose controls no more than 4 valves and you want to add a fifth later, you will need another controller. If you think you may add valves in the future, buy a timer with the ability to expand, such as the Hunter Pro C.
Can timers be left outside during the winter?
Hose threaded battery timers should not be left outdoors when there is a danger of freezing. Exterior and well-protected interior electric controllers can be left outdoors. Valves connected to both exterior and interior controllers should be drained and protected.
Can you help me program my timer?
Read the owners manual. If it is a simple problem, we may be able to help . The manufacturer of the timer will also have technical assistance available.
What is the warranty on your timers?
We warranty most of our battery timers for two years. Manufacturers may have additional warranties. Check your owners' manual for specific warranty information.
What is the better choice, an electric (AC) or battery (DC) timer?
It really depends on your situation. Where electricity is not easily available, commercial grade battery timers can be excellent choices. Electric timers have a long history of good reliability and are highly recommended for all varieties of plantings.
My battery timer worked fine at first but now water barely trickles out. Could dirty water be the cause?
Yes. It sounds like the hose washer screen is clogged with debris. Be sure to clean the screen frequently or, better yet, install a larger, constant pressure filter before the timer to insure it stays clean.
How versatile is the Galcon six station misting and irrigation timer (TGNGH6)?
Extremely!! With the (TGNGH6) timer, each station can be programmed as its own individual single station timer. You can program a station to turn on/off in one second intervals for propagation purposes, or have it turn once a week for 3 hours to water your orchard.
Which timers are the easiest to program?
Hose-threaded battery-operated dial timers with no digital display tend to require the least amount of effort when programming.

Tubing with Emitters

Can emitter tubing be buried?
It is not recommended to bury the emitter tubing we carry, Drip Tape is the exception to this, and normally an air bleed valve is recommended with buried Drip Tape. It is ok to cover other types of emitter tubing with light mulch.
How long does emitter tubing last?
Under normal circumstances emitter tubing can last up to 8 years.
What is pressure compensating emitter tubing?
A pressure compensating emitter has a flow regulator built into it. These emitters deliver the same amount of water regardless of changes in pressure or terrain.
What is the difference between Drip Tape and Emitter Tubing?
Drip Tape is non-pressure compensating. It operates at lower pressures, has lower flow rates and a lower cost than emitter tubing. Emitter tubing is pressure compensating, remains round after shut-down and has greater longevity.
Which way should the emitter holes face, up or down?
As a general rule up is better than down, so that back suction does not draw in muddy water when the system stops running. It also prevents debris from settling into the emitter pathways.
What's the maximum run length recommended for the 1/4" soaker dripline?
The maximum run lengths for 1/4" soaker dripline are as follows:
DSD6=6" spacing=18'
DSD9=9" spacing=25'
DSD12=12" spacing=34'
If you over extend these lengths you may have insufficient water to fill all your emitters and experience inconsistent flows at each emitter.
How long will soaker drip line last?
Soaker dripline can last 8+ years when exposed to sunlight and longer if covered, mulched over or buried.
What is the maximum run length for 1/2" Emitter Tubing (DET)?
The maximum run length for 1/2" emitter tubing will vary depending on the flow rate of the emitter and the distance between emitters.
Maximum run lengths for DET are:
Can DET be connected to a hose start without a mainline?
Yes. Emitter tubing uses our standard ½" fittings so you can connect directly to a hose start like the ELFH or CHS though it is recommended that a filter be placed between the faucet and the start fitting.
What is the maximum flow for 1/4" tubing?
1/4" Tubing (.250" OD) is generally used as a feeder line to deliver small amounts of water (about 39 GPH) over short distances. Due to the small ID of the tubing, friction rapidly diminishes the ability of water to flow longer distances.
Why does Drip Tape require a 200-mesh filter?
Each Drip Tape emitter has a very narrow turbulent flow path for water to pass through and thus clogs easily; requiring a finer mesh filter than many other emission systems.
What is the difference between high and low flow Drip Tape?
High flow Drip Tape puts out water at twice the rate of the low flow Drip Tape. Our high flow Drip Tape will yield about 1 quart of water an hour at each emitter @ 8 PSI while the low flow tape will yield about 1 pint of water at the same pressure.
How do I know whether I purchased high or low flow Drip Tape? There is no label I can see.
Our high flow Drip Tape will yield about 1 quart of water per hour at each emitter and the low flow will yield about 1 pint of water @ 8 PSI. In a test, you can suspend 5 or six emitters in level fashion from flower pots or blocks of wood, place a couple of open containers under emitters, turn the water on and determine the volume of water collected in a known period of time. This will provide enough information to identify your tape's flow. The best option is to contact the place where you purchased the tape and ask them if they have a record of the type you bought.
Can Drip Tape be rolled up and stored for reuse the following season?
Yes. Make sure there is no standing water in the line and try not to *store it with any kinks. Kinks create a point of weakness in Drip Tape where a leak can occur. If leaks do occur they can be repaired using a coupler (LSC). *Note: Seal off both ends of your Drip Tape runs before storing to prevent dirt and insect intrusion.
When I install Drip Tape, which is the correct way, seam up or seam down?
Place Drip Tape with the seam up. The emitters are part of the seam.
How long does Drip Tape last?
15 mil Drip TapeDrip Tape will last up to 7 years when covered or 2-5 years exposed.


What do valves do?
Valves are like gates that can be opened or closed to allow or prevent water to flow.
Is a timer and a valve the same thing?
No. A timer initiates the opening and closing of a valve, using an electronic pulse. The valve is the gate that allows or prevents water from passing. Many battery operated timers are sold with valves attached to or integral with the timer. Electric (AC) controllers require separate valves to be installed for system operation.
Can I manually shut off my valve?
In most cases valves cannot be shut off at the valve. Most battery and electric timers have a manual on/off that interrupts the current operating cycle. Individual valves may have a "switch" that allows for a manual on/off that works when the controller signal is off. We recommend not changing the flow control setting, which is factory preset.
Is there a limit to how many valves I can use?
Each controller is built with a limited number of valves that can be actuated. Four, six and eight valve controllers are common. Some commercially oriented units are modular in design and have the ability to control up to 32 valves.
What do I do if my valve won't shut off?
There are many reasons a valve won't close. Shut off your nearest upstream water supply. DripWorks has a valve troubleshooting guide to help you find the cause of your open valve.
How do you correctly install an anti-siphon valve?
The Anti-Siphon Valve should be located higher than the sprinklers or drip emitters in your system. Look for flow direction arrows. The solenoid is located on the downstream side of the valve and upstream of the anti-siphon device.
What is the correct orientation for a valve when placing it into a manifold?
The solenoid, the part with the wires protruding from it, is mounted on the downstream side of the valve. An inline valve should be oriented horizontally; that is, parallel to the earth's surface, and not in a vertical position.
How can I tell the difference between your Baccara electric AC and battery DC valves?
The AC (electric) valves have a manual red on/off lever and a three-pronged, top-mounted knob for flow control. The DC (battery) valves do not have these parts and the wire colors are different between the two types also; AC wires are black, while DC wires are black and green.
What is the function of the red lever just below the solenoid on the outlet side of my Baccara valve?
The red lever is your manual on/off. Its normal setting is vertical. If you turn it to the horizontal position, you will turn the water flow on. Turning the lever to its vertical position will turn off the water flow and the valve will be ready for the controller to begin its next cycle.
What is the function of the three-pronged knob on the top of my Baccara valve?
The three-pronged knob is a flow control that is factory preset to its normal setting. Unless one is a professional landscaper, this knob should be left alone.
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Source: https://www.dripworks.com/resources/faq/products

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