Funny Ruining Date Nite Suicide Squad

David Ayer's Suicide Squadhit movie theatres last week, nailing a massive opening weekend but pulling in some pretty negative reviews. Pundits criticised its lack of coherence, its weak central villain and its dodgy gender politics.

It's full of ridiculous moments, many of which are quite funny.

The 16 most ridiculous moments in Suicide Squad

But there's one bit that would be easy to overlook, which is more than just a bit silly; it's actually quite troubling.

*Warning: the below contains spoilers*

In the first act we learn that government spook Amanda Waller is feeding anonymous tip offs to Batman in order to bring in the "worst of the worst" so she can construct Task Force X – a band of criminals and crazies with the special skills to fight a meta-human threat.

He finds Harley Quinn after a wild chase across the city with Harley and the Joker riding in Mr J's purple sports car, and Batman surfing on top while she shouts, "you're ruining date night!"

The car plummets into a river, with the Dark Knight diving in after. The Joker has mysteriously vanished but Harley has smashed through the windscreen and is sprawled across the bonnet.

Bats tries to drag her free but she pulls a knife. He smacks her square in the face, knocking her unconscious. He drags her to the surface, carries her to the Batmobile, lays her down in the boot and aggressively snogs her while she's unconscious.

Batman in Suicide Squad

Warner Bros.


First off: before you say Holy CPR, Batman! It was a snog. That is like no mouth to mouth we've ever seen. Also, she wasn't drowned, he punched her in the face. There are no chest compressions and we do not see Batman clearing her airways. At best you could suggest there's a bit of ambiguity – a 'did he/didn't he' kiss her.

And he totally did.

But why?

In a movie where Harley is constantly objectified – from the prison guard who's perving over her saying she's "a whole lot of pretty and a whole lot of crazy",  to her bum-skimming pants, bra reveal in front of the military, her pole dancing in the Joker's club to his fake pimping her out, apparently to defend her honour against another gangster who pervs over her and refers to her as his bitch, to her fantasy sequence where she just dreams of being married to the joker with a couple of kids – this is possibly the weirdest example.

As a superhero, Batman may be morally grey but snogging a mentally ill woman while she's unconscious is frankly more than a bit sex-crimey.

Does he think she was asking for it because of the hot pants?

Why would he feel the need for sexy time with a passed out criminal who he's just walloped?

What would Alfred say?

Could this have been some sort of twist on the movie trope whereby a woman slaps a man and then they kiss?

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Or the one where a bloke aggressively snogs a woman and then she hits him in the face?

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Perhaps, but in a film as pointedly masculine as Suicide Squad, the worry is that someone thought this was just kind of sexy and cool. And it's really not.

The women are defined by their boyfriends (Harley is all about The Joker, June is barely more than a tool to ensnare Rick Flag, Katana is mourning her dead husband) while the men get the best weapons (Harley has one gun and a baseball bat, Deadshot has a whole artillery).

Even super-powerful witch Enchantress dances about in a bikini and her means of turning men (and yeah, it's pretty much just men) into faceless goons is by kissing them.

Perhaps someone thought it was a nice dichotomy – Enchantress snogs guys and turns them into evil frogspawn (a reverse on the Frog Prince story?), so maybe Bats can snog some good into Harley?

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice was widely criticised for its mean spiritedness. It turned ultimate boy scout Superman into a vengeful wanker and left Bruce Wayne as a violent grumpy brute who breaks his rule not to kill.

Now in Suicide Squad he is adding sex pest to his list of flaws.

What's he going to do in the standalone? Drown a bunch of puppies? We honestly don't know at this point.

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